Hi there my old and new Friends !

I'm still with my belowed company, LGEMA, so I got another oppurtunity to visit LG headquarter country - South Korea. This is my 3rd visit ;-) Btw. I think that their food is not as stinky as I thought in the first place.

Until this update You could see almost a 1000 of photos from South Korea. Now You can enjoy more than 1600! They were collected in 5 galleries: 

- PTN1, Piotr & DMZ (demilitarized zone) - these photos were shot during 1st stay in Korea (3.5 months in 2004) where I meet a lot of Great People.

- PTN2 - images brought from 1 week stay in the end of March 2006. 

- PTN3 - the photo documentation of 8 days long visit in Korea in the end of November 2008 (4 days in Gumi, 4 days in Seoul). This time I meet even more of LG Great People :)))

- PTN4 - in this moment You can find there the latest photos from my 4th biz. trip to South Korea (beginning of June'2010, Pyeongtaek & Seoul).

You can find also new menu item - other photos - where You can find some photosets from my other trips - there 3 galleries are waiting to be seen. ;)

If You want to get in touch with me please use one of listed instant messengers:

GG:507613   ICQ:27687525   Jabber:Phyton